Monday, January 31, 2011

Smokey 'Freaking' Robinson!

Now, to keep my fingers warm and this blog somewhat updated here's some stuff I'd like to share with you!First of my favourite movies! Well where do start? Am i gonna say Avatar or Transformers??! No way. I don't really like those overrated movies! I'll give you my top 3! Let me take you back all the way to 1986, we have Stand By Me.

It might seem like a movie for kids, but i swear to you it's not. 4 friends go to find the dead body of a young boy around their age and through that they bond. It's about friendship, and that however bad things might go in your life, there still are somethings that make it worth while. I cherish this movie very much and i personally would give it a 9/10. Next up we have #2. And we shall go back 13 years to 1998 to one of the most influential movies of all time. American History X.

What can i say about this movie? It's amazing, it's great and it is a powerful movie. A young man, comes out of prison, not just any young man, a former Neo Nazi, a racist. But he has left his past behind him, no longer the monster he was. But what will he do when his younger brother follows down the same path as him. Hate breeds more hate. That's goddamn right. If i were you, i'd watch this.
Now, to my #1 of all time. And that award without any doubt goes to the one and only iconic
Shawshank Redemption.

Now if you've never watched Shawshank Redemption, that's ok. There's always time. but if you've watched it and thought it was bad, then i can't help you my friend. I mean this movie is a cinematic treasure. Many people rate it as the best they've seen. It's theather sales were really low, but this movie just proved that a great movie will never go un-noticed. It was overshadowed by Pulp fiction which i thought was a mediocre movie, but soon later it over took Pulp fiction and becaome one of the highest selling DVD's of all time!!! It's about a young man, imprisoned for a murder he claims he never did. There he find life hard. But meets Red, who is Morgan Freeman, together they bond over time. And this movie's tagline is just the best i've heard. It's all about hope. Fear keeps you prisoner, hope sets you free! So my fellow readers and bloggers! Hope is there, you may not see it, but don't you ever lose it. And with that i conclude my update. Be sure to watch atleast one of these movies, if you're in the mood for a movie about friends, go for Stand By Me. If you feel like a racist, which i'm sure you don't or you're against racism, go for American History X, and if you feel like you've lost your way, you lost hope, you feel worthless or you just wanna hear Morgan Freeman's voice, by all means people go for Shawhshank Redemption. I promise you, it won't disappoint. Later guys, see you around. Maybe. maybe not. Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying.-Morgan Freeman, The Shawshank Redemption.

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